Find out why all bedroom and bathroom designers should use ArtiCad!
Anyone working in the area of bedroom and bathroom sales will know how complicated and challenging the process of making a sale can be. After all, unlike other sales-based jobs, bedrooms and bathrooms must be customized to the buyer’s needs. The plans also need to be understood by a range of professionals other than those that are selling them, as well as visualized by the customer so they can make changes as necessary.
Then there is the fact that when a customer buys a bedroom or bathroom from you, what they are paying for is the support and guidance they will need at every stage of the process from the initial consultation, to the final tile being laid! The good news is there is a way that you can make this process more efficient for you and more effective for your customers at the same time. It is, of course, to use ArtiCad software. Find the specific reasons to use Articad in bathroom and bedroom design below.
Make the design process clearer
ArtiCad software makes the design process easier and clearer for all involved. After all, it is the industry standard so that means anyone you come across from cabinet fitters, to plumbers and electricians will be familiar with this form of design.
What this means in practice is that everyone on a project will be ‘speaking the same language’ and able to recognise and understand their client’s requests. This in turn means less confusion, and mistakes and a smoother, faster, and more cost-effective build for your company
ArtiCad allow customers to ‘try their designs before they buy’
One of the biggest benefits of using ArtiCad when designing bedrooms or bathrooms is that they offer a wide range of presentational features including panoramic and even VR. This means that you have the opportunity to allow your clients to see and try out their designs in a much more realistic way than ever before.
Of course, there are many advantages to this including that the customer’s choice to buy is no longer based on their ability to imagine what their bedroom or bathroom will look like, something that many people can find difficult and overwhelming.
Also, by offering visual presentations to your customers they will find it far easier to see where any changes need to be made to perfect the design before the construction process has started. Thereby, ensuring you have happier clients in the long run and less hassle for you when managing their project.
ArtiCad makes the entire process from design to build simpler
Indeed, following on from the advantage above choosing ArtiCad when designing bedrooms and bathrooms improves the process from start to finish for both your clients and your team. Your client gets a better experience because they have more control in the design process. This helps them to not only feel more involved but ensure that the bedroom or bathroom they come out with closely matches their needs and wants.
Customers that are happier with their overall product will be more likely to provide repeat business, better reviews online, and recommend your services to others, which means you are laying the groundwork for a better business in the future. All while making the process easier for you and your team to manage and deliver. Thereby saving you precious resources like money, effort, and time, and improving your profit margins.
ArtiCad makes working with freelancers a breeze!
Last, of all, a major benefit when working with the ArtiCad design system is that you can gain all the experience and expertise of using a freelance designer very easily. Indeed, there are several advantages to using an independent designer profient in ArtiCad. The first is that freelancers specializing in independent bathroom design have the experience and the passion to create rooms that will surprise and delight your clients.
Secondly, those practicing freelance bedroom designs are in a much better position to meet the specific needs of your clients and be able to offer customisation and unique designs. After all, they have the best knowledge of the materials, options, and processes that are involved.
Thirdly, experts in freelance bathroom design will be able to create a fantastic design that meets your client’s budget, large or small. This means you can help every client get the best value for money while also giving them the bathroom they want.
Last, of all, experienced independent bedroom design professionals will be able to offer a fresh and unbiased approach to the process. They, after all, have no vested interest in selling any items of cabinets or furniture so you can be sure that they will always put your client’s needs first and foremost in their design.
For ArtiCad proficient freelance/ independent bathrooms and bedrooms designs that will delight your clients, contact us at Newly Designed, today.